Friday, January 22, 2010

Weigh In!!!

So, hubby and I got up this morning and went to the gym around 5am...can you say sleep exercising? was definitely worth it!!! When we got back, we were all hot and sweaty, so we stripped down naked...and well you know what came next right?

We got on the scale..duh! :D
This week, I lost.......... 3 1/2 lbs for a total weight loss so far of 13 1/2 lbs! Go me!
Hubby lost............ 1 1/2 lbs for a total weight loss so far of 6 1/2 lbs! Go him!!!

Current stats are:
Me - 256.5 lbs - loss of 13 1/2 lbs
Him - 191lbs - loss of 6 1/2 lbs

Thursday, January 21, 2010

It feels good to feel great!

Of course, weigh in is tomorrow! I am very excited about it this week. I don't know why. I know I haven't lost a whole lot more, but I just love knowing where I am. It's amazing how much better I feel during the days now. The last 2 nights I have not been able to get much sleep since I have been sick with a really bad cold...yet, I am not nearly as tired during the day as I was when I was getting plenty of sleep! All around I just feel a lot better. That right there is my biggest motivating factor. It feels good to feel great! :D

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A little behind

Unfortunately I had a death in my family and was out of town most of last week, so I wasnt able to post. However, I do have some good news! I am officially down 10 pounds and my husband is down 5! We are both very excited! It seems to be getting easier each day. I'm not as hungry as I was before and the exercising is definitely getting better. It's funny though..I hate working out! It takes so much for me to get my ass up and out the door...but then when I get there and really start getting into it, I love it! I just get into the zone! I did 2 miles on the ellptical machine the other night and I felt awesome! I was so pumped up afterwards and had so much energy. It was amazing. So now when I am dreading going to the gym, I just tell myself how much better I will feel afterwards :D

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Weigh In!!!

Oops! Sorry that I am a day late on this one, but the husband and I did weigh in yesterday morning.....
I have lost............6 pounds!!!!!!! Woohoo!
Husband has lost......2 1/2 pounds!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!
We were very pleased for our first weigh in. We are both supposed to be losing 2 to 2 1/2 pounds a week, so we are definitely on the ball. Granted, I have a lot more weight to lose than my husband, so my first few numbers may be a bit bigger, but I know they will start to slow down. Im just excited to be doing so well. It seems to be getting easier each day. Trying to stay on an eating schedule has probably been the hardest thing. Especially on the weekends. We normally just eat whenever we get hungry. Now I try and time everything. But as we can see, it's worth it :D

Current Stats:
Me: 264: -6lbs
Husband: 195: -2 1/2lbs

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Health Assessment

So yesterday I went to the gym and had my "free" health assessment done. Imagine my surprise when my FIT score came back as POOR! hahaha..yeah, not really surprised. Though I was a little surprised at some of the scores that I got for stuff that I thought I did really well on. All in all, it was really just a sales pitch for the trainer to get me to hire him. Yeah, not really to that point yet,lol. We haven't done a whole lot of working out this week. But I hope to tonight and to definitely get into a routine. I think our best bet is going to be early in the morning. Tomorrow is the first weigh in!!!! Fingers Crossed!!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Just over a month ago, I developed a pilonidal cyst. If you have never heard of this before (like me) it is a cyst that develops on the tailbone. However, it's not like your normal cyst that comes out of the skin. This tends to imbed itself into your body. It is an extremely painful thing to have. I ended up having to have it lanced which was probably the worst experience ever. I spent about 3 to 4 weeks going to the Dr. 2 to 3 times a week to have the gauze removed and repacked...yeah that was no fun! I tried to do as much research as possible on this and discovered that these things can cause problems for life. They typically require surgery and even that doesn't always help. But once I was released from Dr's care, I felt really good. I had minimal pain but it wasn't too bad. I have tried to be crazy careful in caring for it to keep it from coming back. In fact, I have taken so many hot baths lately, my water bill has gone through the roof! The past few days I have noticed a little more pain than usual when I sit in certain positions. However, today, I inspected it and noticed that it is starting to swell up again. This is very very very bad news as the Dr. told me before that if it came back, she was sending me to a surgeon. I had really hoped this was all done with, but I'm starting to worry again. Right now the pain is not bad at all and I can stand it. Im just afraid if I wait too long, it will get worse and not better. I'm just not sure what to do. Surgery at this point would definitely mean no exercising. That would not be good for me . Oh well, I guess all I can do is wait and see!

The husband and I will be going out tonight as he is hosting Live Team Trivia at a local sports bar. Im excited to go, but also kind of dreading it. I am going to have dinner there and I have scoped out their menu...I have to choose between a grilled chicken sandwich or a grilled chicken salad,lol. Yummy! I can do it though! No Cheeseburgers!!!!!

Current Stats Are:

Me: 270
Husband: 197.5

Monday, January 4, 2010

Here we go!

My journey to healthiness actually began a few days ago one 1/1/10. I never make New Year resolutions, because I usually think it's silly to wait until 1/1 to start (or stop) something that is good for you. However, this year I realized that starting on 1/1 was a new chance for me. Hey..never making resolutions before didn't I decided to go for it.
I haven't always been overweight. I used to be in really good shape. I played sports and was always very active. Though as I got older I let things go. Then I got married...well, we all settle in our ways...and next thing I know...I'm at 270 pounds. 270 pounds!!!!! 30 pounds away from 300! I knew it was time to take back control of my life. I have problems with blood pressure, my cholesterol is off the charts, I have Polycystic Ovaries, borderline diabetes, high liver panels...and yet I have been walking around like nothing is wrong. Unbelievable huh? Well, not anymore. I am starting my journey to healthiness. Sure, I have dieted before and lost weight. Of course, I put it all back on and then some! Each time I lose weight, I end up gaining more. But not this time. I want my life back, I want my freedom back.
I have decided to blog about this because I feel that it will be good to come and share my story, to vent when I'm upset, and cry for help when I feel like there is no hope. Sure, I am optimistic of my journey, but I know it's not going to be easy. Luckily I don't have to go through this alone. I have a wonderful husband who is taking this journey with me. I also work with an amazing group of people that are also going on this journey. There are 5 of us that have decided to lose weight. We are each putting in $25 and at the end of 6 months, the person with the highest percentage of weight loss wins the money. What great motivation!!!! In 6 months, whoever wins will need to buy new clothes anyway :) That would be a great shopping reward!
My husband and I have joined a local gym. We have worked out twice now. They were only 30 minute workouts, but WOW, was it hard!
I am not a cook...I really don't like to cook...but for 3 nights I fixed dinner, using recipes in my Weight Watchers Cookbook. We had, Orange Crusted Baked Chicken with Green Beans....Chicken Quesadillas with Corn Salad....and Honey Mustard Pork Chops with Vegetable Fried Rice. It was all so good! The food was great, the hardest part was the portions. I could have eaten everything I cooked...but at least now I have leftovers! Been a while since that has happened! haha.
So anyway....since I am a few days late starting this, I will keep up with each day from here on out. We will weigh in once a week on Friday mornings. I have our before pictures and will get them posted asap.

Our current stats are

Me: 270 lbs.
Husband: 197.5 lbs.